One of the "perks" of my job is the endless stream of orphaned or relinquished animals that come through the clinic. Currently we have 4 cats that are in need of a home. One of them came for a visit this weekend to three foaming at the mouth boys who couldn't wait to get their hands on him. This was no trial run, we had no intention of adding another pet to our family, I simply wanted to acquiesce the little 'uns that have been begging for me to bring something home. Apparently the skinks from a couple weeks ago were not good enough. This little fluff ball was in a whole different category. He's been at work for a week now and has probably spent more time in the arms of the staff than in his cage. His calm demeanor tipped the scales towards coming for a visit. There was but one problem that was made very apparent after having him in the house for five minutes- there was one of him and three of
them. All weekend I have been monitoring and timing the movement of the cat," it's your turn now", "no, he just got the kitten you have to wait", "why don't you put him down and let him decide who he wants to go to," "maybe I should just cut him in half and you each can have a piece!" It's been exhausting. I have firmly solidified my decision to not get another pet, and it's a wonder this poor creature has survived! Maybe the strangest thing is that he actually seems to enjoy being cuddled by these six clammy hands and carried for hours on end. Oh, he will fit in swimmingly with some little family, just not
our family. Next time I bring something home, it had better be triplets.

i would love to rent a kitty for a weekend. next time you need a home (for a short time!), let me know.
oh, and don't tell peter!
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