Thursday, July 21, 2011


I almost feel like summer hasn't started for us yet. I decided not to repeat our alphabet summer this year since it would be hard to top, but we did have a list of activities we wanted to do during summer break. We've barely made a dent. My sister Becky that was supposed to only be here for 3 weeks has had to extend her trip for some unforseen circumstances and we have been basking in the cousin love almost every day. We've been to the movies and the pool and Busch Gardens twice, and although we haven't done anything particularly exciting, there have been very few minutes of down time. So needless to say, our summer has been flying by and the kids have been happy as clams, asking when we will be with "cousins" next.

Back to that list of activities we wanted to get to. We did make a ginormous fort in the basement with the boys. It was a maze of tunnels and it stayed up for about a week. The boys watched movies under it and slept in it for two nights in a row and it sure was fun to play in it with aforementioned cousins. They sure were sad to see it go, but we couldn't walk around down there without having to crawl through it! We'll have to do it again before the summer's through.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Fun! I always loved blanket forts as a kid. You always come up with such fun things for your boys to do. :)