Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Baldwin and the kittens

 So our kittens turned 5 weeks old this week.  That means it is time to find them homes because in 2 weeks they can be adopted.  I love this age with them as they develop their personalities and start to purr and play. The kids have been using every excuse to be with them and taking them into their rooms at night to snuggle up to as they read and I am realizing what a genius decision it was to foster these kittens.  We will be doing it again, and again and again because our house is filled with the most fun stage of a pet for several weeks and then we just get to do it all over and we also get to watch "our babies" grow as loving pets in someone else's family.  It brings us all such joy.  Baldwin has been a big fan of the kittens since day one.  Lindy, the mama, HATES him.  I'm not sure if she is being protective or not, but she will come and stalk Baldwin when he is in the bathroom and then attack.  He is not afraid of her and tucks his tail when she comes near.  But the kittens?  He wants to love and lick them to death.  He lets them crawl on him and although he can get too excited, he is usually very gentle and sweet.  He really wants them to get big enough to play with.  We are soaking up every bit of time with these little fluff balls and although it will be sad to give them away, more are sure to come soon.

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