Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kindergartener in the house!

Today was the day... Nothing could delay the inevitable milestone that our family experienced today when our oldest went off to school. Cameron was more than excited to set off on this new adventure, and thank goodness for that, because his mother was a total disaster already! Last night we got his new backpack all ready with the school supplies we had picked out, made his lunch with all of his favorites, and laid out his new "first day" outfit. I am suprised he slept so well with all the anticipation, but this morning he woke up with enthusiasm and energy, which he will need for those seven hours at school. I tried my best not to let my nerves show when I inundated him with advice, "Don't forget your lunch on the bus","Make sure you find the lady with the big penguin when you get to school", "Just raise your hand if you have to go potty", "Make sure you listen really well today because this is the day you'll learn all the rules", etc, etc. He ate a big waffle breakfast and our whole family walked to the bus stop together. I couldn't get over how little he looked with that huge backpack on him, and I got many sympathetic glances from the more experienced moms that were at the bus stop with their older kids. When the bus arrived, I could barely contain my emotion, but Cameron confidently got on the bus and barely looked back. And then they were off and I could finally cry knowing Cam wouldn't be able to see how hard it was for his mom to let him go off into the great unknown and relinquish his care to another. Jeremy laughed at me and then attepted to console me, but nothing could change the fact that this was the beginning of the real growing up part, and my baby was gone.

I met my friend Angie for breakfast, her son Austin is in Cameron's class at school and we mourned together and sat and wondered what our boys were doing at that moment. At least she can empathize with me and how difficult this is! I am counting the hours until he comes home at 4:00. I just hope he gets on the right bus and gets off at the right stop and I'm gonna be a mess until then.


Shelese said...

Oh my goodness. You are so cute and brave. Jessika was nervous about the bus last year for kindergarten on some days so I happily drove her to school and picked her up. This year she wants to ride the bus and I can barely watch her drive off. (Erik actually took her this morning). So you are doing wonderfully!

I love that Gavin has a back pack on too in the back ground! :) So cute! Can't wait to hear how Cameron's day went. Good thing you and Angie are there together today :) Oh and I love that Jeremy laughed at you a bit. Erik laughed at me too.

Kristen said...

I was fighting back the tears as I read it too. Nathaniel kept telling me "you are going to miss us and you will have tears in your eyes". so true. They are gone, out the door. He will just love it. We'll have to these little ones together to play now.

Mandi said...

Erika- you made me cry! I cannot stand the thought of them growing and leaving! That was really hard to read about and I hope you are doing all right because I know when it is my turn I won't be! Hang in there!

Gina said...

Oh. I'm all teary now! Seven hours is such a long time. Glad you had Angie to "mourn" with. I know I will be a mess too.

Heather said...

Such a big boy! Glad you made it through..

Angie said...

Sniff sniff.

Cherilyn said...

Don't blink. Before you know it he will be 14!

Corri said...

7 hours!?!?!? Wow! How is it going for him? Our kindergarten here is only 3 hours, 20 minutes.

Aidan loves it so much that I almost wish it was longer though!

Johnsons of Haymarket said...


They started all day kindergarten in our county two hears ago. I am not a fan, Cameron comes home exhausted and cranky, and it is a battle until bedtime. I would love it if it were only half a day!