Saturday, August 14, 2010

The "Q"uest for Q

At the beginning of the summer when I outlined our plans for each letter, I knew instantly where I wanted to take the boys for the letter Q. When I worked as a Vet Tech at an animal hospital in Centreville, my route drove me right past this amazing quarry that you could see right down into from the road. Tuesday we drove out to the quarry and unlike the greetings we have had at other locations, the people here were less than happy to see three bouncing boys bounding towards the outer building of the quarry. I asked for a tour and they told me they were just about to close for the day and to call tomorrow to schedule a Saturday tour. To make a long story short, the first tour they had available was in October which wouldn't exactly work for our purpose. I started searching online for an alternative. I found another quarry in Leesburg that had an overlook on a nearby bike path. We headed there first thing this morning. The kids rode their scooters about a half a mile up to where they had a few benches where you could see all the goings on in the quarry. Except that it was Saturday and there were no workers or trucks... We waited and waited until at long last a truck came into view. You would think we had struck oil by the reaction of my children. They were fixated on that truck like vultures, anxiously awaiting what it would do next. I am grateful for that singular truck that came to work today and make the day of three little boys. It made the whole trip worth while. Now Gavin wants to be a quarry man. I'll add it to the list :)

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