Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall festivities

Yesterday Mason and I went with 4 R's to Pumpkinville, an annual tradition that each of the boys have done with preschool. There are animals to pet and feed, a hayride, and lots of slides and other fun things to do there. They also have apples and apple cider for free and that was Mason's favorite part. Forget the slides, he just wanted to eat apples, and he had several while we were there (and paid for it later).
I also got to help out in Cameron's class yesterday for their fall party. They made caramel apples and some fun crafts. I was grateful not to have to be in charge of everything and just show up to help. As expected, Cameron seems well liked in his class and has lots of friends he never tells me about. I'm just glad he's happy and has a great teacher.
Then last night we made Mr. Bones for dinner. Breadstick bones, spaghetti innards and veggies for his head and fingers and toes. A fun tradition copied from our much missed friends the Wadley's. The kids love eating pieces of our skeleton right off the table.
We're gearing up for Halloween and have a few more festivities planned, unfortunately SNOW is interfering with some of them today. SNOW in October? Craziness!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I am totally making your Mr. Bones for Halloween this year! Hope he turns out as cute as yours!!!